Amanda Seyfried and Evan Rachel Wood are in the process of workshopping a Thelma & Louise musical.
Based on the movie of the same name, the stage adaptation is currently in the works with the film’s original screenwriter Callie Khouri.
Khouri is working with Haley Feiffer while singer/songwriter Neko Case is penning the songs, according to Variety.
Further information on the project is to be revealed but it’s understood to have been in development since at least 2021.
Seyfried teased the musical this week while accepting a Golden Globe for her work on Disney+ series The Dropout.
She said: “I am in New York. I was on FaceTime with my Dropout team, my wonderful ‘Dropout’ team who are the reason I got this award. It is a true honour to have been a part of that. I had to miss it because I am doing something that is magic and it’s musical.
“So I’m finally getting to do something that I’ve never really done. That’s all I can really say about it. Hopefully more soon. But it’s a lot of work. It’s more fun, and it’s been a great night. So in lieu of any acceptance speech I’m just going to say thanks to all my ‘Dropout’ family and my family.”
Neither Seyfried nor Wood are strangers to musicals: Seyfried having appeared in Mamma Mia and Les Misérables on the big screen while Wood recently lent her voice to Elsa and Anna’s mum in Frozen II.
More on: Musical Theatre News